A well-known Estonian fashion designer Tiina Talumees and her fashion studio joined the international Fur Free Retailer program, that in Estonia is led by Loomus. By today, 25 Estonian fashion designers and entrepreneurs have become fur free and followed the example of such top designers as Prada, Versace, Gucci, Armani, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Jimmy Choo, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein and others.
“Vanity should never outweigh an animal’s life,” said Tiina Talumees. “As a fashion designer I feel a moral obligation to raise the awareness of consumers about the production of fur. Usually people do not think about such matters. They are not aware of the fact that someone’s sad destiny is hanging in their wardrobe. It does not have to be like that!”
Head of Loomus communications Annika Lepp believes that as more and more prominent designers join the program, the closer we are to the fur free world. “Loomus is campaigning for the banning of fur farms by burning the candle from both ends: we are working with politicians, fashion producers and consumers, pushing therefore towards an animal friendly society,” said Lepp.