The project for developing the field of animal protection in Estonia and creating a cooperation network between the organizations, initiated by the NGO animal advocacy organization Loomus, was kicked off in September.
“There are about twenty animal protection organizations in Estonia, whose cooperation is rather hectic. In order to improve the cooperation towards common aims, we need to put our heads together and join our forces,” explained Kadri Taperson, the manager of Loomus.
According to local animal protection organizations the overall animal husbandry and attitudes towards animals are still quite low in Estonia. People have insufficient knowledge of animals and the regulations concerning them. Only a few politicians in the Estonian political parties are deeply interested in this topic; legislation is systematically disobeyed; monitoring is weak. “That is why strategic cooperation is the central question in animal welfare,” said Taperson.
Future cooperation will be based on regular exchange of information, communication with the public, raising awareness, joint campaigns and trainings, involvement in animal protection policy and representing Estonia in international organizations.
The initiator of the cooperation project is NGO animal advocacy organization Loomus and the main partner is the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals. By today, In The Name of Animals (loomade Nimel), Cat Shelter (Kasside Turvakodu), Pesaleidja, Kelmiküla cat station, Nurru Ometi, Kassiabi, Saaremaa pet shelter, Guide Dog Center and Animal Shelters of Estonia have joined.
The project is funded by the National Foundation of Civil Society.