Conference Programme

All times are in GMT+3 (Eastern European Summer Time, Tallinn)


(Re)visioning animal advocacy: strategies, dilemmas and directions

May 17, online and in Tallinn

9:30-9:45 Welcome & registration (Zoom opens) 

9:45-10:00 Opening Speech by Kadri Taperson

10:00-11:30 SESSION I: Conflicts & Challenges in and around Veganism

10:00-10:30 Dario Martinelli “Do you know that Hitler was also a vegetarian?” and Other Original Arguments. Vegaphobia as a Do-Gooder Derogation”

10:30-11:00 Kadri Aavik “Confronting Institutional Speciesism: the Experiences of Vegan Parents with Animal-Based Catering in Early Childhood Education in Estonia” 

11:00-11:30 Christopher Sebastian “Disinformation, Infighting, and Elite Capture within Social Movements”

11:30-12:00 coffee break 

12:00-13:40 SESSION II: Deconstructing the Glocal Community

12:00-12:30 Ruby Ramsden “Vegan options as motenashi: The dynamics of local and international pressure in Japanese vegan advocacy

12:30-13:00 Lucya Passiatore “Diet vs. Live-it: Cultural Perspectives from the Vegan Village in the Desert” 

13:00-14:00 just wondering… ( Animated Essay Screening – “A political theory of animal rights — after Sue Donaldson & Will Kymlicka” (36 min) and “Beyond speciesism, beyond humanism, beyond” (22 min) (link will be sent out upon registration) 

14:00-14:30 lunch 

14:30-15:50 SESSION III: Leave No One Behind

14:30-14:50 Q&A with Maria Martelli from just wondering…

14:50-15:20 Ronnie Lee “The Few: How Can We Be Effective with just a Small Number of Activists?

15:20-15:50 pattrice jones “Future Humans: How to Become the Activists Other Animals Need Us to Be” 

15:50-16:15 Final words on Zoom / Coffee break for participants in Tallinn

16:15-17:45 Panel Discussion (in Estonian & on location in Tallinn) 

“Common ground of advocacy organisations” / “Eestkosteorganisatsioonide ühisosa”

May 18, in Tallinn

Post-conference tour to Kalamaja Community Days & visit to the office of Estonian Vegan Society