Conference Programme

All times are in GMT+3 (Eastern European Summer Time, Tallinn)

June 14 – Pre-conference: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Hunting (18:00 – 20:00)

Re-watch the pre-conference “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Hunting” HERE.

Organized by Loomus.

Before the 8th International Animal Futures Conference “ANIMAL ADVOCACY AGAINST THE GRAIN? Traditions and Transformations in and around the Movement” we are waiting for everyone on the web to take part in the hunting-themed pre-conference on June 14 at 18-20.

The pre-conference “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Hunting” is in English and has four presentations on various topics related to hunting followed by a discussion.The discussion will be led by Farištamo Eller, Communications Manager of Loomus.

The list of presentators and panelists:

Anu Tensing: “Who orders the killing of wild animals?”

Francisco Sánchez Molina “Hunting a Protected Species: Is Finland circumventing the legal strict protection of wolves?”

Eleri Lopp: “Estonian predators in the directive of the European Union”

We will listen to the fantastic presentation “Trophy Hunting: why it’s time to ban it” by Eduardo Concalves from the last conferents Animal Futures.

June 15 – Paneelvestlus: Kes tellib jahi? (in Estonian) (14:00 – 16:00)

Re-watch the panel discussion “Who orders hunting?” (in Estonian) HERE.

Organized by Loomus.

VIII Rahvusvahelise loomaõiguste konverentsi “ISEPÄINE LOOMAÕIGUSLUS? Liikumisesisesed ja -välised traditsioonid ja muutused” eelkonverentsile “Pre-conference: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Hunting” järgneval päeval viime läbi paneelvestluse “Kes tellib jahi?”. Jutuks võtame jahis kõige kriipivamad teemad: salaküttimise kriminaliseerimine, kaitsealuste liikide jaht, jaht kui hobi ja meelelahutus. Küsime: kes seda kõike tellib?

Vestlust juhib Loomuse kommunikatsioonijuht Farištamo Eller. Paneelvestluses osalevad Riigikogu keskkonnakomisjoni juht Tarmo Tamm, Riigikogu loomakaitse toetusrühma liige Mario Kadastik, Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu esindajana linnukaitse komisjoni liige Mati Kose, Eesti Jahimeeste Seltsi juhatuse liige Endrik Raun, Eesti Suurkiskjad MTÜ vedaja Eleri Lopp ja Keskkonnaagentuuri ulukite peaspetsialist Peep Männil.

June 16 – 18 – Animal advocacy against the grain?

Join here: ANIMAL ADVOCACY AGAINST THE GRAIN? || Day 1 (Meeting ID: 867 2828 5162, Passcode: 812721)

Organized by Loomus, Estonian Vegan Society, and the European Association for Critical Animal Studies.

June 16 

All times are in GMT+3 (Eastern European Summer Time, Tallinn)

8:40–9:00 Welcome Speeches by Richard Twine (EACAS) and Kadri Taperson (Loomus NGO)

9:00–10:50 Session I · Historical Insights (hosted by Richard Twine)

9:00–9:20 Karl Hein: “Traditions of the Estonian animal welfare movement before World War II”

9:20–9:40 Daniel Breeze: “Rediscovering the Animal in Vegetarianism: Assembled Agencies and the Production of Vegetarian Thought in late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain”

9:40–10:00 Ronnie Lee: “How Local Vegan Activism Can Tackle “Traditional” Human Supremacism”

10:00–10:20 Mark Dunick: “Traditions and transformations in the animal liberation movement of Aotearoa New Zealand” 

10:20–10:50 joint discussion

10:50–11:20 coffee break

11:20–12:20 Session II · Gender Focus (hosted by Kadri Aavik)

11:20–11:40 Cameron Dunnett: “Men and Masculinities in the UK Vegan Activist Movement: A site for transformation?” 

11:40–12:00 Richard Twine: “Breaking with tradition as the remaking of practice”

12:00–12:20 joint discussion

12:20–13:30 lunch break

13:30–15:20 Session III · Alternatives and Utopias (hosted by Luke Stange)

13:30–13:50 Maša Blaznik & Tomaž Grušovnik: “Automatization of Death: robotization of slaughter as the ultimate step in distancing from animal suffering”

13:50–14:10 Gelareh Salehi: “It is not just a diet but a just diet: A phenomenological and systematized analysis of how veganism and vegetarianism (VEG) is framed in behavioral science literature”

14:10–14:30 Simcha Nyssen (GAIA Belgium): “Could cultured meat grow on farms across Europe?”

14:30–14:50 Júlia Castellano: “Utopia in a Box: Analyzing the Utopian Discourses of Plant-Based Alternative Brands”

14:50–15:20 joint discussion

15:20–15:30 coffee break

15:30–16:50 Session IV · Religion (hosted by Salla Tuomivaara)

15:30–15:50 Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond: “Sufism’s Post-anthropocentric Promise: Love Beyond the Species Divide in Nizami Ganjavi’s Layla and Majnun”

15:50–16:10 Cansu Özge Özmen: “The Feast of Sacrifice in Turkey: Is an Alternative Celebration Possible?”

16:10–16:30 Christopher Jain Miller: “Jains Eating Against the Grain: Constructing Jain Veganism from Transnational Veganism”

16:30–16:50 joint discussion

16:50–17:00 stretch & snack break

17:00–18:50 Session V · Privileges and Critical Perspectives (hosted by Kadri Aavik)

17:00–17:20 Martina Davidson: “Rethinking Veganism: (Trans)Feminist and Decolonial Projects as Ethical-Political Tools for Anti-capitalist Veganisms”

17:20–17:40 Denisa Krásná: ““Is hunting the only thing that can make a person Indian?”: Indigenous Veganism as Decolonial Resistance” 

17:40–18:00 Emily Major: “Possums are as Kiwi as Fish & Chips: Possum Advocacy and the Potential for Compassionate Conservation in Aotearoa New Zealand”

18:00–18:20 Jonna Håkansson & Malin Gustafsson: “Critical Animal Pedagogies encountering (and interrupting) traditions of animal exploitation”

18:20–18:50 joint discussion

June 17

Join here: ANIMAL ADVOCACY AGAINST THE GRAIN? || Day 2 (Meeting ID: 857 4152 4040, Passcode: 153577)

All times are in GMT+3 (Eastern European Summer Time, Tallinn)

9:00–10:50 Session VI · Politics and Lobbyism (hosted by Kadri Taperson)

9:00–9:20 Farištamo Eller: “Lampreys: the cruelty of preparing the traditional delicacy in Northeast Estonia”

9:20–9:40 Paulina Siemieniec: “Care Relations as the Locus of Political Agency and Methodology for Enabling It”

9:40–10:00 Olatz Aranceta Reboredo: “Lobbying Against Compassion? An Examination of Spanish Zoological Parks’ Interest Groups’ Discourse”

10:00–10:20 María Ruiz Carreras: “A fable on Strategic Communication and Critical Animal Studies: The milkmaid and their tale”

10:20–10:50 joint discussion

10:50–12:10 Session VII · Aesthetic Strategies (hosted by Brett Mills)

10:50–11:10 Vesna Liponik: “The persistence of tropological violence and possible ways out”

11:10–11:30 Katja Guenther: “The Transforming Place of Pumas in Los Angeles”

11:30–11:50 Claire Parkinson: “Changing the narrative: making a case for advocacy fiction”

11:50–12:10 joint discussion

12:10–13:00 lunch break

13:00–14:20 Session VIII · Animals on the Screen (hosted by Claire Parkinson)

13:00–13:20 Laura Saarenmaa: “Cultivating audiences, creating tradition – the role of 1980s TV-advertising in meat eating in Finland”

13:20–13:40 Brett Mills: ““Some Animals with their Keepers”: The Origins of Television’s Conventions of Animal Representation”

13:40–14:00 Bianca Friedman: “’I’m one and done’: a critical view of speaking for Jenny from The Banshees of Inisherin

14:00–14:20 joint discussion

14:20–14:30 coffee break

14:30–15:50 Session IX · Animal Testing (hosted by Grete Millner)

14:30–14:50 Heldi Marleen Lang: “Peter Singer: the Ethical Blindness of Researchers Towards Animal Testing”

14:50–15:10 Laura Fernández: ““Love animals? Support animal research” Humane-washing and the compassion rhetoric in the Spanish animal experimentation industry”

15:10–15:30 Estela Díaz: “VEG Community’s Response to Covid-19: Animal Advocacy under Duress”

15:30–15:50 joint discussion

15:50–16:00 stretch & snack break

16:00–18:10 Session X · Cultural Practices (hosted by Francisco Sánchez Molina)

16:00–16:20 Tim Reysoo: “On Human Privilege”

16:20–16:40 Vivek Mukherjee: “Practical Lessons from India: Jallikattu and the Fallacy of Litigating Cultural Practice”

16:40–17:00 Paul Chen: “No Cruelty and Delicious: Revisiting Modern Chinese Veganism through a Local Plant-based Cookbook On Vegetarian Food (1926)” 

17:00–17:20 Daina Pupkevičiūtė: “Ants in the Death World: an Invitation to Think the Invisible Others”

17:20–17:40 S. A. Bachman & Neda Moridpour: “Rethinking Animal Liberation Art: Taking a Lesson from ACT UP”

17:40–18:10 joint discussion

18:10–18:30 final remarks & closing

June 18 – Interspecies Urban Walk (12:00 – 14:00)

All times are in GMT+3 (Eastern European Summer Time, Tallinn)

Guide Hildegard Reimann about herself and the tour:

I am an ethnologist studying in the University of Tartu. Recently I have found myself wondering about the relationship between humans and non-human animals. One of my main questions is: how to shift our human perspective in an ordinary urban environment.

I have organized city walks in Lasnamäe district in Tallinn, inviting people to actively engage with the environment, notice emerging life in unexpected places and placing ourselves in the positions of other species. Connecting imagination and art with natural sciences and multispecies ethnography, helps us to establish something that I would call interspecies empathy.

The tour starts from Lasnamäe and you have to register for it via the conference registration link.

About the conference “Animal Advocacy Against The Grain?”