- Algas jahiteemaline eelkonverents
Loomus kutsub tänasest jahiteemalisele eelkonverentsile, mis eelneb 8. loomaõiguste konverentsile “Isepäine loomaõiguslus? Liikumisesisesed ja -välised traditsioonid ja muutused”.
- Annika Hugosson
Annika Hugosson holds a Master’s degree in anthrozoology from Canisius College. She is a Ph.D. student of sociocultural anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she also earned her bachelor’s in Hispanic linguistics. Her research interest is community perceptions of vilified species and the narrativity of nonhuman animal categories, especially related …
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- Birgitta Wahlberg
Dr. Soc. Sc. (public law) Birgitta Wahlberg works as a university teacher in Public Law at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Her field of expertise is Animal Law in general and as a jurisprudential subject of law. Wahlberg has published the first animal law textbook in Finland: Inledning …
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- Christina Vasilopoulou
Christina Vasilopoulou is a Sociology and Economics Educator, she is involved in the animal liberation politics and theories. She finished her master dissertation on “Animals and Biopolitical Power in Attica Zoological Park”. From fur trims to alien species, discourses on minks exploited for their furs in Kastoria, Greece The fur industry has been exploiting non-human …
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- Corey Lee Wrenn
Dr Corey Lee Wrenn is Lecturer of Sociology with the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research (SSPSSR) and Co-Director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Political Movements at the University of Kent. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology with Colorado State University in 2016. She was awarded Exemplary Diversity Scholar, …
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- Daniela Rosendo, Fabio A. G. Oliveira, Tânia A. Kuhnen
Daniela Rosendo is a Brazilian ecofeminist philosopher with a Ph.D. in ethics and political philosophy. She is also a human rights educator and is currently developing post-doctoral research at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Fabio A. G. Oliveira is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), in Rio de Janeiro, …
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- Eva Meijer
Eva Meijer works as a postdoctoral researcher at Wageningen University and at the University of Amsterdam. Meijer wrote nine books, fiction and non-fiction, her work has been translated into seventeen languages. Recent publications include Animal Languages (John Murray 2019) and When animals speak. Toward an Interspecies Democracy (New York University Press 2019). The role of …
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- Homme, 17. mail toimub Tallinnas ja veebis üheksas rahvusvaheline loomaõiguste konverents Animal Futures
Ootame kuulajaid kaasa mõtlema konverentsile “Loomaõigusluse (ümber)hindamine: strateegiad, dilemmad ja suunad”, kus iga ettekanne omamoodi lugu, mis tutvustab veganluse ja loomaõigustega seotud erinevaid vaatenurki.
- Jah Ying Chung
Jah Ying is a user and market researcher, with 10 years of experience working with NGOs, social enterprises and startups across Asia and Europe. Her recent work focuses on the animal welfare and alternative protein industry in China, including a mixed methods study on Chinese consumer attitude towards alternative protein, qualitative analysis of animal advocates …
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- Jahikultuur – ökosüsteemi rudiment
Rääkides ükskõik millistest kahjudest ei saa lahenduseks olla elav maha lasta vaid seetõttu, et nad järgivad oma looduslikku instinkti elada.
- Joaquín Fernández-Mateo & Alberto José Franco-Barrera
Joaquín Fernández-Mateo Bachelor’s in Political Science and Administration. MD in Epistemology of Natural and Social Sciences. PhD in Information Society. Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University. Researching about Sustainable Development Goals, Animal Ethics and Animal Welfare. Alberto José Franco-Barrera Bachelor’s in Political Science and Administration. PhD in Moral and Political Philosophy. Professor at Santiago de …
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- Kadri Aavik
Kadri Aavik is a feminist sociologist, a critical animal studies scholar and a vegan activist. She works as an Associate Professor of Gender Studies at Tallinn University and as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. She is a board member of the Estonian Vegan Society. Her current research focuses on vegan men and …
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- Kadri Taperson
Kadri Taperson is an animal rights activist and the co-founder of Loomade Nimel and Loomus – two Estonian AR organizations that have now merged. Kadri has published numerous articles and a book about animal rights and currently writes about these issues in her thematic blog https://kkadriblog.com/. She is one of the organizers of the conference …
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- Kaheksanda loomaõiguste konverentsi “Isepäine loomaõiguslus” esinejad on selgunud
Loomaõiguste konverentsil “Isepäine loomaõiguslus” 16.-18. juunil saab ülevaate liikumise ajaloost, misjärel on ettekanded jagatud ühisnimetajate järgi teemaplokkidesse nagu soorollid, alternatiivid ja utoopiad, religioon, privileegid ja kriitilised väljavaated, poliitika ja huvikaitse, esteetilised strateegiad, loomad ekraanil, loomakatsed ning kultuuritavad.
- Kes tellib jahi? Loomaõiguste konverentsi jahiteemalisest eelkonverentsist
Loomade eestkoste organisatsiooni Loomus taskuhäälingu Loomade Hääle eetris oli saade 8. Rahvusvahelisest loomaõiguste konverentsist (loomus.ee/konverents) “Isepäine loomaõiguslus? / Animal advocacy against the grain?” eelkonverentsist teemal jaht. Saates oli Farištamo Eller ja saatejuht Sirli Spelman.
- Konverents “Loomaõigused keskkonnakriisis” piltides
- Kosma Lechowicz
Kosma Lechowicz is a cultural anthropologist and philologist with an interest in object-oriented ontology and ecology. In his recent research he explores the role of vulnerability in the relationship of humans to nonhumans. He occasionally appropriates yoga and meditation in an attempt to stay sane. Transgressive vulnerability: a way towards recognising interconnectedness within the biosphere …
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- Lisa Herrmann-Fertig
Lisa Herrmann-Fertig studied Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Music Education at the University of Würzburg, Germany, and holds a Ph.D. in Historical Musicology/Ethnomusicology from the University of Würzburg. She worked as lecturer in the ‘Würzburg English-Language Programme’, and since 2016 as lecturer (assistantship) in Ethnomusicology, Institute of Music Research, Würzburg. Since winter semester 2020/21 she is working …
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- Loomade Hääl Ida Raadios: rahvusvahelisest loomaõiguste konverentsist ISEPÄINE LOOMAÕIGUSLUS?
Loomade Hääle saade oli IDA raadio otse-eetris 9. mail teemal 8. rahvusvaheline loomaõiguste konverents: ISEPÄINE LOOMAÕIGUSLUS?. Saates oli külas konverentsi projektijuht ja Loomuse liige Saara Mildeberg ning saadet juhtis Loomuse kommunikatsioonijuht Faristamo Eller. Saadet kuula siin.
- Loomaõiguste konverents keskendub õiglusliikumiste tulevikule
Üheksandat korda toimuv konverents kannab tänavu pealkirja “Loomaõigusluse (ümber)hindamine: strateegiad, dilemmad ja suunad”. Selle esimeses osas tuuakse esile veganlusega seonduvaid konflikte ja väljakutseid ning ettekannetega esinevad Kaunase Tehnikaülikooli ajaloo- ja kunstiteooria professor ja Rahvusvahelise Semiootikainstituudi juht Dario Martinelli, Tallinna Ülikooli soouuringute dotsent Kadri Aavik ning ajakirjanik ja Praha Anglo-Ameerika Ülikooli ajakirjanduse, meedia- ja visuaalkunsti õppejõud Christopher Sebastian.
- Loomus sätib loomaõigusliku luubi alla traditsioonid
Loomade eestkosteorganisatsioon Loomus, Eesti Vegan Selts ja Kriitiliste Loomauuringute Euroopa Assotsiatsiooni (EACAS) on korraldamas rahvusvahelist loomaõiguste konverentsi “Isepäine loomaõiguslus? Liikumisesisesed ja -välised traditsioonid ja muutused” ja ootavad ettepanekuid ettekanneteks kuni 28. veebruarini. “Korraldame rahvusvahelist loomaõiguste konverentsi juba kaheksandat korda ja seekord koos Kriitiliste Loomauuringute Euroopa Assotsiatsiooniga. Meie eesmärk on välja tuua, et loomaõiguslus ei ole …
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- Maki Eguchi
Maki Eguchi, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Her research interests lie in representations of animals in literature. Her publications include The Semiotics of Animal Representations (Rodopi, 2014) and The Representation of Sheep in Modern Japanese Literature: From Sōseki Natsume to Haruki Murakami (Sairyusha, 2018). Teaching Animal …
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- Marcin Mielewczyk
I am a social anthropologist interested in the relationship between humans and the environment and I conduct field research from a multi-species perspective in a scientific project entitled “Energy security. Study of the impact of nuclear energy on the society and environment from the perspective of multi-species ethnography on the example of the Polish Nuclear …
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- Marie Leth-Espensen
Marie Leth-Espensen is a sociologist and Ph.D. candidate at the Sociology of Law Department at Lund University. Marie is a collective member of Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network, and in this capacity, she co-coordinates and teaches an introductory course in Critical Animal Studies. She was part of the organizing committee of the 5th International …
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- Marine Lercier
Marine Lercier is a French lawyer specialized in international and European law, Human Rights law and Transitional justice, and Animal law. She holds a Master’s degree in Animal Law and Society from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where she is currently a doctoral student and pre-doctoral researcher, assistant-professor in Animal Law and Roman law. She …
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- Meri Külm
Meri Külm is a junior researcher from Estonia. She feels passionate about animal rights and is continually learning how to implement the core values behind the social movement in everyday life – on a personal and a societal level. With a background in sociology, Meri works as an analyst at the Centre for Applied Social …
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- Miks tuleb keelata trofeejaht?
Kui minna veebilehele bookyourhunt.com, siis leiab seal mitmeid puhkusepakkumisi Eestis. Näiteks koprajahi puhkus 1400 euro eest, põdrajaht koertega, pruunkarujaht jne. Eestis on ka oma trofeejahi ettevõtted, näteks Wildest, mis pakub trofeejahte nii eestlastele kui ka inimestele üle kogu maailma. Nendega saab veebilehe järgi lasta karusid, kopraid, Euraasia ilveseid, hunte ja põtru.
- Norma Contreras Hernández
My name is Norma Contreras. I am a PhD student at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. My research is about the interplay of animal regulation and social change in municipalities of Mexico. My PhD advisors are Hans Bressers, Victoria Daskalova. I am a social sciences and sustainable development teacher and an animal policy …
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- Rebecca Jones
Rebecca Jones is a PhD researcher in English at the University of Strathclyde. Her thesis, Consuming Men: Masculinity, Meat and Myth in Literary Fictions from Mary Shelley to Ursula K. Le Guin, uses ecofeminist animal studies to analyse masculinity, species and the meaning of ‘meat’ in literary retellings of the Prometheus myth, from Frankenstein to the present day. She is …
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- Ronnie Lee
Ronnie Lee has been a vegan and campaigner for animal liberation for almost 50 years.In the early 1970s he was one of the founders of the Animal Liberation Front and served three prison sentences (a total of about 9 years in prison) for animal liberation activism.Since his last release from prison, in 1992, he has …
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- Salla Tuomivaara
Salla Tuomivaara is a sociologist (PhD), who defended her PhD dissertation “Searching for the roots of exclusion: animals in the sociologies of Westermarck and Durkheim*”at the University of Tampere in 2018. A book based on her doctoral thesis, “Animals in the Sociology of Westermarck and Durkheim”, was published in 2019 in Palgrave MacMillan’s Animal Ethics …
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- Seitsmes loomaõiguste konverents Tallinnas: “Loomaõiguslus keskkonnakriisis”
Loomaõiguste konverents toimub juba seitsmendat korda 6.-7. mail Tallinna Botaanikaaias, ja Zoomi vahendusel. Konverents keskendub keskkonnakaitse ja loomaõigusluse ühisosadele ning konfliktidele.
- Täna saab avapaugu seitsmes loomaõiguste konverents Tallinnas: Loomaõiguslus keskkonnakriisis
6.-7. mail toimuv loomaõiguste konverents “Loomaõiguslus keskkonnakriisis” keskendub keskkonnakaitse ja loomaõigusluse ühisosadele ning konfliktidele. Konverents toimub sel aastal hübriidvormis: Tallinna Botaanikaaias ja Zoomi vahendusel. Kadri Aavik, üks korraldajatest, ütles, et loomade söömise tagajärjed ja kliimamuutus puudutavad meid kõiki, mistõttu võiks konverents huvi pakkuda paljudele inimestele. “Eelkõige aga võiksid selle vastu huvi tunda poliitilised otsustajad, avalikus …
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- Vasile Stanescu
Dr. Vasile Stanescu is an associate professor of Communication Studies at Mercer University. Stanescu is co-editor of the Critical Animal Studies book series published by Rodopi/Brill, the co-founder of the North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS), the former co-editor of the Journal for Critical Animal Studies, and former co-organizer of the Stanford Environmental …
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